Monday, December 20, 2010

hw 25

Precis: This documentary will open your eyes to the horrors of the US health care system. A system that is interested in making a profit more than it is helping the many sick and dying Americans, out there living without health insurance and the proper health care. It's time for our health care system to change, which is why I propose health care for everyone.

Evidence: In the film, Moore looks at the health care systems in places like Britain and France and how well the sick are treated with there with their socialized health care system better than the people in the US.
This evidence shows socialized health care as an alternative (a change) to the unequal access to health care and insurance in the US.

Evidence: The Hilary Clinton health care plan for better health care that got crushed by the insurance and pharmacy companies.
This shows that the government isn't interested in health care for everyone but only interested in making a profit.

In the film Moore argues that the health care systems in Britain and France are better and free but he neglects to mention the fact that they pay much higher taxes for their "free" health care. So it seems that their excellent health care is paid for out of their own pockets.So even though the health care in the US is expensive people in France and Britain pay higher taxes. (

Even though Michael Moore's film was a propaganda piece for socialized health care, I agree that our health care system sucks and it should change. Free universal health care would be the American dream, but it's easier said than done. This film opened my eyes and got me thinking about the health care system and all that is wrong and needs to change about it , like how can doctors and insurance companies allow the sick care and allow them to die because they don't have coverage. Why is this acceptable?

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