Tuesday, May 24, 2011

hw 58

My first interviewee who will be attending prom is participating in the event because she feels as if it's going to be one of the last times to be with everyone before graduating and like it would be a good way to end the school year. Feels prom is going to be a special night and is happy she's attending with someone she actually likes. She sees everyone putting their differences aside and coming together for that one night. Imagines her prom to be like a scene out a movie.Most looking forward to the stories that are going to be told the day after and seeing the transformations of everyone. Feels as if looking good for prom is important , but doesn't want to be the center of attention. Hasn't stressed too much about prom because she has prioritized more important stuff first instead of worrying about it.

My second interviewee who hasn’t attended prom yet wants to attend because he feels as if prom would be a memory he can look back on and remember. He wants to attend to be with friends and have a good time. He called prom ”a night I won’t forget”. Would still want to attend prom if there was no date and wouldn't feel bad about not having one.Feels as if a lot of preparation and money is going to go into it, so is therefore going to enjoy it. Wants to participate in the party. Feels like if he doesn’t attend prom he’ll be missing out a little bit ,but there’s always the after party. Has already started talking and planning prom with friends. Expects it to be a long night and hopefully end in getting lucky.Thinks that the after party is going to be better than the actual prom because there won’t be any teachers or supervision around.


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